Incoming Students


The Matera Conservatoire offers the following academic programs:

  • Bachelor Degree (three years, 180 credits)
  • Master Degree (two years, 120 credits)

Before leaving be sure to take with you :

  • Valid identity card or passport ;
  • The Learning Agreement approved by both Institutes

 On your  arrival:

  • Present yourself to the office of International Relations with a letter of acceptance and the Learning Agreement with you
  • You will be given your work plan with lecturers’ names indicated and the course timetable that have been established in your Learning Agreement. It is possible to make changes to the original Learning Agreement, changes that have to be agreed upon with your Institute of origin. 
  • Declare your presence at the Police office

Ask for a registration certificate as an Erasmus+ student of  Conservatoire “E. R. Duni” , it could be very useful to you in many occasions.

For any further information, please contact us at